SAT Prep Fresher


Students enter our class as SAT aspirants and leave better test takers.

The SAT Prep Refresher is the right choice for you if you have been a pro at school. Excellent! You have learnt
well. We help you with the tips and tricks to apply what you learnt..

We know the SAT—and we convey the knowledge to you through key methodologies like passage mapping and answer elimination.. Our sessions are driven by a group of top-notch, yet dedicated instructors who keep you focused, engaged and connected the entire path through SAT Prep journey.

Prepare to zoom past your objectives! We’ve adopted our most customized strategy and made it far superior. Your mentors have all that it takes to help significantly lift your score. Notch up all the math, reading, writing, and science skills you need to pro the SAT with our impeccable key methodologies that lift scores.

We Persevere relentlessly FOR YOUR HIGH SCORE