AP 2021- Exam Updates

AP 2021- Exam Updates
Looking for the 2021 AP exam updates? We have the complete 2021 AP test dates along with the advice for getting through the AP exam with a perfect 5. Keep reading to stay on top of your 2020-2021 study schedules and get tips to deal with the stress of endless AP tests!
Things are a little different this year with AP exam
The 2021 AP Exam schedule has been updated to provide schools with testing options to meet their unique needs and circumstances.
Things are a little different this year! For 2021, AP exams will take place from May 3 to June 11, isn’t it a much longer testing period than usual? This is because the College Board is offering three test administrations so as to try to account for differing schedules, school rules, internet connections, student preferences, etc.
If you wish to see the format of the exam, you can check out the College Board’s AP website and click on the specific exam you’re interested in. It’s a smart thought to stay updated on the format of the exam and the types of question you are going to encounter.
The School will Choose Exam Dates and Administration for You
According to the College Board, “Schools make all decisions about the exams. Students won’t be able to choose exam dates on their own. Beginning in early March, AP coordinators will be able to assign students to Administration 2 and/or 3 exams, if needed.” This means you won’t get to choose which administration you would like to take; your school will choose it for you, likely sometime in March.
- The 2021 exam schedule provides 3 testing dates (Administrations 1, 2, and 3) for each subject between early May and mid-June. Paper or digital exams will take place, depending on the subject and exam date.
- As always, paper and pencil exams and Chinese and Japanese exams have local start times and can begin up to 1 hour after the official start time. However, digital exams have synchronous start times worldwide and automatically begin at the same official start time everywhere.
- Schools can use any of the testing options, as needs and circumstances warrant, and are free to use multiple options, if available, during a given exam administration window.
- Schools make all decisions about the exams. Students won’t be able to choose exam dates on their own. Beginning in early March, AP coordinators will be able to assign students to Administration 2 and/or 3 exams, if needed.
- The College Board extended the deadline for final digital submission of AP Art and Design portfolios and AP Computer Science Principles (CSP), AP Seminar, and AP Research performance tasks to Thursday, May 20, 2021, 11:59 p.m. EDT.
For more information about the updated exam schedule, click College Board.
We will continue to update this page as and when any new information becomes available.
Stay Focused- Stay Motivated- Become your Best Version
Good Luck!
Team Learning Roof.